From Our Founder

Shari Shares

Thoughts and insights on patient advocacy, cancer-induced financial distress and the state of breast cancer support in Israel from the Lemonade Fund’s founder and Manager, Shari Mendes

Something To Celebrate

Something To Celebrate

Like every year, on the day preceding Independence Day we acknowledge and thank our soldiers for their service and sacrifice that made our country...

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Can we really help?

Can we really help?

  We get asked this question all the time. Does a one-time Lemonade Fund grant really help? Some of our applicants are locked in systemic...

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When Half is More 

When Half is More 

  Purim is a holiday of celebration. Reversing an evil decree, the triumph of Jewish life over the threat of annihilation. Our sages...

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A Basket of Good News

A Basket of Good News

Israel’s Health ministry has just approved an expansion of the “Health Basket,” treatments and drugs covered by Israel’s four HMOs for 2023. The...

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I Come Here Once a Year

I Come Here Once a Year

Twelve years ago, on an otherwise normal, hot July day in Israel, I received a diagnosis of breast cancer. As a child of a holocaust survivor with a...

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