Updates and recipes

Profiles: December 2014

The Lemonade Fund has been quietly working hard. Since September 2011, more than 120 disadvantaged Israeli breast cancer patients have received financial assistance to help them cope with the costs of being seriously ill. The story of L. L., a 76 year old widow from...

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http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/11/27/living-with-cancer-giving-thanks-and-latkes/?ref=health&_r=0 Susan Gubar presents an insightful way to be thankful on this day. The Lemonade Fund gave a record number of grants this month, in time for Channukah, to Israeli...

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Thank you, Laura!

The Lemonade Fund is sending out a profound thank you to Laura Novitch who makes every day, Good Deeds Day. Best Purim Costume. Ever. Laura dressed up as Life and gave out lemon cookies and Lemonade Fund brochures, personally illustrating the maxim, 'When Life Gives...

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And Now…Back to our Routine Crises…

No time to write a lot right now, but glad to talk about something other than rockets or ceasefires. I do want to mention that I was often struck by how 'normal life' struggles to push through, no matter how harrowing the conditions. I imagine this must be true on...

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