Profiles in Courage – February 2016

L. is a 39 year old divorcee, living in the center of the country with her 15 year old disabled daughter. L. came to Israel with her aunt in 1990 as part Operation Moses, the Ethiopian aliya. She worked as a dental nurse until 2011 when she was diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer. L. has been unable to work since then due to the side effects of strong chemotherapy treatments. She receives disability payments for herself and her daughter, however, this covers bare necessities. The Lemonade Fund awarded L. a grant to help her with additional non-medical expenses that accompany a serious illness.
H., 45, married and the mother of 3 children, ages 4, 18 and 21, had a nervous breakdown after she completed treatment for breast cancer last year. Her husband had been recovering from a stroke when she was diagnosed, and she became the primary breadwinner. As she was completing treatment, her husband was diagnosed with cancer. This was simply too much for H. and she went into a deep depression, unable to work or function. Help from extended family is unavailable and the care of the house and their younger sibling fell to the two older sisters. H. is slowly recovering, but the family is in dire financial straits following this crisis. The Lemonade Fund has stepped in to help this family get back on their feet.
The number of applications to the Lemonade Fund is increasing and we need your help. All donations are tax deductible. To Donate to the Lemonade Fund from Israel or abroad:
Thank you.