Profiles: May 2015

A.,  a 53 years old divorcee, from the former Soviet Union, lives with her two daughters, and two grandchildren, in a small town along the northern coast. One daughter is 15 and the other is in her early 20’s, herself a divorcee with two young children. A. and her older daughter support the family by working as office cleaners; they receive no alimony or child support. A. was diagnosed with breast cancer in October and is currently getting chemotherapy treatments and is too weak to work. Her sick leave has run out and the family of five is struggling to make ends meet on the older daughter’s small salary. In addition, the hospital is more than an hour away, and traveling on several buses after treatments is very difficult for A. The Lemonade Fund awarded A. a grant to help her with transportation and living costs during this critical time. We wish her a speedy recovery.
C., is a 67 year old retiree from the south. She is divorced and living alone on a pension of less than NIS 3000 per month. Her breast cancer recurred after almost 20 years and is now stage IV, metastatic, having spread throughout her body. She is weak and needs extra help in many ways. Her social workers turned to the Lemonade Fund to ask for financial assistance for C. and a grant was awarded.
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