When the Financial Burden of a Parent’s Cancer Falls on the Children – December 2018.

R., age 55, from Jerusalem has psychiatric problems (several hospitalizations,) a broken leg and now, breast cancer. She recently underwent a mastectomy and is about to start chemotherapy, despite being currently bedridden. Her 30 year-old daughter (pregnant with her third child,) works full-time (NIS 3000/month salary,) and is the sole caretaker for her mother, for all of her health and financial affairs. R. is deeply in debt and gets by with a small disability check and rental assistance. However, all of the daughter’s extra expenses (caused by her mother’s illness,) such as transportation and babysitting costs, time lost from work, are not covered. The Lemonade Fund application process, aided by hospital social workers, allows us to get a picture of the patient’s family situation. We all know that cancer impacts an entire family. In some cases, the caretakers are overburdened and need financial help badly so they don’t crash! The Lemonade Fund is here for these patients and their families. 
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