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Your gift can make a world of difference.
Your donation today provides immediate and much needed financial support. From making rent, buying food and hiring a babysitter, to taxis, gas, utility bills and more.
Secure online donation: Our donation form is fully PCI-compliant, the highest international standard for protecting your credit card information.
Bank Wire Transfer within Israel:
Bank Mizrachi – Bank 20
Branch – Raanana 423
Account – 221757
Account Name – Lemonade Israel לימונדה ישראל
Donations via U.S.-based DAFs or US checks can be made via:
The Central Fund of Israel-CFI
(EIN: 13-292985)
CFI is a recognized 501c3 organization and our partner for accepting US dollar donations.
U.S. check can be made payable to:
“Central Fund of Israel” and mailed to:
Central Fund of Israel
461 Central Avenue
Cedarhurst NY 11516
Please enclose a note that the donation is designated for Israel Lemonade Fund ID # 580674752
For any inquiries, please contact: