Israel Lemonade Fund

Emergency Financial Aid For Breast Cancer Patients



133 Wartime Emergency Grants totaling NIS 239,400 ($61,845) were granted between October 18-November 9, 2023 

The Lemonade Fund is continuing to support breast cancer patients in financial distress due to the ongoing war

Transportation for evacuees  |  Childcare for families with drafted soldiers | Immediate supplemental income

What We Do

The Lemonade Fund awards  grants to help cover non-medical expenses for Israeli breast cancer patients who are in financial crisis. Difficult treatment, coupled with income loss, means many patients can’t pay basic living expenses because they can’t work. We work with social workers and hospital staff to identify and screen applicants using a detailed point system based on financial need.

Your Impact

Since its founding in 2011 the Lemonade Fund has never had to deny a qualified applicant due to a lack of funds. Thank You! 

Lemonade Fund grants awarded in 2024

Grants awarded to patients who live completely alone in 2024

Recipient Stories


I’ll never forget this first push you gave me, it was my first step towards winning my battle against cancer.


I really appreciate all the support that I got…. when I shared about cancer and the dissolution of my marriage, a couple of weeks ago. It shocked me. It shocked me, because I am not used to it.


I had to say thank you to you. In the presence of the huge crisis facing the world now, it was a very unusual experience to discover such great deeds from people. So thank you very much, Lemonade Fund!


Profile of the Lemonade Fund

Profile of the Lemonade Fund

  The Jewish Link, a popular Jewish newspaper in the New York metropolitan area, covers the inspiring story of...


From Our Founder

Thoughts and insights on patient advocacy, cancer-induced financial distress and the state of breast cancer support in Israel from the Lemonade Fund’s founder and Manager, Shari Mendes

Give Help

Help us continue supporting breast cancer patients in Israel.

Get Help

The Lemonade Fund is here to help you if you have been diagnosed with breast cancer and you are struggling financially.