Who is eligible for a Lemonade Fund grant?

We give emergency grants to breast cancer patients who are:

  • Israeli citizens
  • Within one year of date of diagnosis*
  • In demonstrated financial need

* Exceptions:

    • Patients in Stage 4 and who are beyond the first year after diagnosis but still in treatment. 
    • Grants are one time per applicant unless a patient suffers a recurrence and must undergo an additional course or treatment (not part of the initial diagnosis.)

How do you apply for a Lemonade Fund grant? 

All applications are submitted by  social workers from hospitals, health funds, vetted aid organizations or city welfare agencies. . If your social worker is not familiar with the Lemonade Fund, they can contact us at:  info@lemonadefund.org and we will send them the proper forms. Social workers interested in more information are welcome to contact us info@lemonadefund.org

Does the Lemonade Fund receive any government support? 

No. All our grants are funded via private donations and grants from philanthropic foundations.

Are donations to the Lemonade Fund tax deductible?

Yes. All donations can be easily made online and are tax deductible in US, Israel, and UK

How are applications screened?

Grant applications are made via hospital and community social workers. Applications are vetted and verified using a detailed point system, and anonymously verified by a committee of Lemonade Fund employees, and trained volunteers. 

How much money is a Lemonade Fund grant? 

All grants are of course based on the amount of funding available. Using the detailed point system allows us to customize grants to ensure a graduated scale based on real need and extenuating circumstances. The aim of the grant is to ease financial stress during this difficult time in whatever way that we can.

Doesn’t Israel’s nationalized medical system cover all of the medical costs of cancer treatment? 

Yes it does. And Israel cancer patients are very fortunate to have this. But non-medical expenses can add up very quickly when a parent or caregiver needs to reduce work hours (or cannot work at all) during difficult treatments. Or for someone living alone who needs extra care and support. Many patients who are already suffering from poverty cannot afford transport to and from the hospital, extra babysitting expenses for small children, extra help at home and more. And when money is tight, mortgage payments, rent and even basic food bills become overwhelming. That’s where the temporary, emergency financial relief from a Lemonade Fund grant comes in.

Doesn’t National Insurance (Bituach Leumi) support cancer patients in Israel? 

Yes. It does. There are modest “special service” supplements for patients undergoing certain treatments. And certain tax breaks. But bureaucracy is unfortunately slow and we have seen many who fall through the cracks trying to make mortgage or rent payments, buy school supplies or even basic food bills. That’s where the temporary, emergency financial relief from a Lemonade Fund grant comes in.

Can I volunteer for the Lemonade Fund? 

Yes! We welcome you to join us. Office work, translation, and more. Let us know what you can do! Email us at info@lemonadefund.org and we’ll put you to work!