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Apply For A Lemonade Fund Grant

The Lemonade Fund is here to help you if you have been diagnosed with breast cancer and you are struggling financially. 

We can help you by sending you a one time emergency grant, to help ease your financial burden so you can focus on your treatment and on getting better!

We give emergency grants to breast cancer patients who are:


Israeli citizens


Within one year of date of diagnosis*


In demonstrated financial need

* Exceptions: 

    • If you are Stage 4 and beyond the first year after diagnosis but still in treatment. 
    • Grants are one time per applicant unless a patient suffers a recurrence and must undergo an additional course or treatment (not part of the initial diagnosis.)

How to apply

All applications must be submitted by your social worker, from your hospital or health fund. If your social worker is not familiar with the Lemonade Fund, they can contact us at: and an application will be sent to them.

If you are a social worker and you would like to get help for your patients, please feel free to contact us at