G's Story…

IBCERF Grant made this morning, September 13, 2012, to G.:
G., 31, was smuggled into Israel, by way of Egypt, from the Ukraine. Like so many other young women, she was promised work in Israel, only to discover, too late, that the ‘work’ was forced prostitution. After some years as a sex slave, she escaped or was rescued, and made her way to the north. Her current family situation is unclear, but she has two young children with an Israeli man to whom she is not married. The children live with her and she is said to be a caring mother. Recently she discovered that she has advanced breast cancer. She is receiving medical treatment and is being helped by the social workers in her area, who found our fund, the Israel Breast Cancer Emergency Relief Fund (IBCERF) and made an application for her. Her only income is NIS 3100/month that she receives from Bituach Leumi (National Insurance.) A generous grant from the IBCERF will be sent to her in the coming weeks, which we hope will alleviate at least some of her burden. So thankful that we can do this work.