Hot Lemonade for October

1 gal. apple cider
6 oz. lemonade
6 oz. orange juice
1/2 c. brown sugar
1 tbsp. whole cloves
1 tbsp. whole allspiceCombine cider, lemonade, orange juice and brown sugar in pan. Heat over medium heat. Place spices in cheese cloth and add to cider. Serve warm.

The Lemonade Fund,, was founded as a response to devastating news.  After getting over the shock of a breast cancer diagnosis, I was fortunate to be able to concentrate on the all-consuming job of getting well.  During that initial year of treatment, I was often struck by how costly it was to be sick and wondered, how do impoverished women do this? Income is often reduced due to time off from work and yet there are a myriad of new illness-related expenses. Having a serious illness  teaches you that there are things that you can and things that you can’t control. We couldn’t necessarily cure cancer, but we could alleviate some of the financial pressure in the neediest among us. Thus was born the Lemonade Fund, an official Israeli charity that grants short term financial assistance to needy breast cancer patients (from all segments of the Israeli population, women and men, of all races and religions,) during the first year of treatment.
Now after more than a year of successfully making lemonade out of lemons,  we aim to continue this good work.  We are receiving grant requests from all over the country. One of the women who received a grant this month is a single mother of three children, who was recently  diagnosed with serious disease. One of her children is a 17 year old daughter who survived a terrorist attack and is just getting back on her feet. The mother is now unable to work and the family is having trouble making ends meet. It was  a privilege to be able to help her.
If you haven’t already, please consider making a donation to the Israel Breast Cancer Emergency Relief Fund (IBCERF) aka, the Lemonade Fund, in honor of October, Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
To donate:
By Telephone: Call the ESRA office and make your donation by credit card (011 972 9-950-8371).
By Check:
Tax Exempt Donations in
Israel: Mail checks to ESRA, POB 3132, Herzliya 46104 (include cover letter designating IBCERF.)
Tax Exempt donations from the United States of America:
P.E.F. Endowment Funds, Inc., Room 607
317 Madison Avenue,
New York, NY 10017
Tel: 212-599-1260.
Make check out to PEF but please include a covering letter stating that your donation is earmarked for ESRA, specifying  IBCERF.
Tax Exempt donation from the United Kingdom and other countries:
Please contact the ESRA office to find out the best way of making your donation to ESRA from your country.