Nina's Story

Her youngest child committed suicide while in the army. Two other children are mentally handicapped. One of these children was adopted by a family in Jerusalem when Nina became unable to care for him. Her adult daughter helps her, but she is a widow herself, with four young children. Years ago, Nina’s own husband was murdered due to a rift in the family.
How could things get any worse? This past summer Nina was diagnosed with advanced breast cancer. Aside from her other worries, Nina can no longer work and she is subsisting on the small sum she receives from National Health Insurance (Bituach Leumi.) She is now, quite simply, desperately poor.
Lucky for Nina that her Social Worker had heard of the Lemonade Fund (Israel Breast Cancer Emergency Relief Fund.) Last month she helped Nina apply for a grant, and this week, a generous grant was approved and sent directly to Nina.
As she continues treatment and awaits surgery, it is our hope that this grant will give Nina respite from her financial crisis so that she can concentrate on the important work of getting well.