October 2013 – Profiles in Courage

Many applicants to the Lemonade Fund this month. Here are two stories:

M. is a French immigrant with four teenage children and a husband who became too disabled to work, after their arrival. Until her recent diagnosis with breast cancer, M. had been the sole breadwinner in the family, (working as a salesperson in a shop.) M. is now unable to work due to the side effects of chemotherapy and their only income is her husband’s disability payments. This has caused a precipitous fall in their financial situation, which is now desperate. The Lemonade Fund was happy to award a grant to assist M. and her family during this difficult time.
E. is a young Ethiopian woman who came to Israel as a girl in 1989. She has four children, ages 2-12 and is now separated from her husband. She was recently diagnosed with Stage 4 bilateral breast cancer and is receiving treatment at a hospital in the center of the country. She moved north to live with her parents so that they can help her with her children, however her father is too old to help and her mother is overwhelmed with the task of caring for her grandchildren as well as her daughter. In addition, E. has to travel quite far for her bimonthly chemotherapy treatments. The Lemonade Fund issued a generous grant to E. and her family, and we pray for her recovery.
To donate to the Lemonade Fund: http://www.esra.org.il/israel-breast-cancer-emergency-relief-fund-ibcerf
We are considering expanding our services to provide meals, visits and transportation to treatments, for patients being treated at Breast Centers in the Raanana area, as  there is a great need for this. If we have enough volunteers we can do this.
We also need help in writing, translating (English to Hebrew,) and researching. This work may be done from home.
To volunteer, please send an email to: info@lemonadefund.org
Thank you!