About 1% of breast cancer cases occur in men. The Lemonade Fund received our first application from a young man, S., in his early 30’s, from a community in the north. Sadly, S. has had a recurrence of an earlier bout with breast cancer. In 2006, when he was first diagnosed, he was treated and subsequently went on with his life. This time, S.’s cancer is aggressive and has metastasized to his bones. S.’s wife left him and he is debilitated and currently living with his parents. His social workers report that he is severely depressed. His parents are trying to help him but they are older, and the situation is obviously very hard on them as well. S. is too sick to work and his parents live on a fixed income. There are many additional expenses caused by S.’s illness, and the Lemonade Fund awarded him a grant to help S. and his parents financially, during this difficult time. We pray for his recovery.
May 12, 2014 – Lemonade Fund Women’s Health Awareness Evening (in English, for women only.)