M., is a young married mother of two young children (ages 2 and 1) from the south. She was recently diagnosed with advanced breast cancer and her hospital social worker applied to the Lemonade Fund for financial assistance for her. M. is unable to work as she is undergoing neoadjucant chemotherary, which will hopefully shrink her tumor prior to surgery. Following surgery, M. will undergo weeks of radiation. Her husband has his own small business, but he’s had a hard time juggling work and care for his wife and small children, and his business has suffered. M. is additionally traumatized as she lost her mother to breast cancer recently. She and her mother had been very close, and her extended family is unable to help her. The Lemonade Fund issued a grant to M. to help her and her husband weather this difficult period and we wish them well.
C., in her thirties, was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer in July. Her marriage ended in September and she is now the single mother of an 8 year old. C. is a professional, who had a good job prior to her diagnosis, but her deteriorating health has made it impossible for her to continue working and she has exhausted her work benefits. She has no savings, and alimony and National Health Insurance (Bituach Leumi) payments leave her with just enough money for necessities. Catastrophic illness brings with it extra costs, such as the need for babysitting, household help, transportation, etc., and we at the Lemonade Fund are grateful to be able to help with these kinds of ancillary costs. We hope that the grant we gave C. will help ease her financial stress so that she can concentrate on recovery. Unfortunately, we are seeing more and more young people with breast cancer.
People of all ages need have extra expenses when they fall ill, but young parents seem to have even more. Please help us to help them. Thank you!
To donate: https://lemonadefund.org/to-donate/