L., originally from Uzbekistan, is a married grandmother who was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer recently. She and her husband, who is disabled, are the legal guardians of their 12 year old grandson, who lives with them. Until her diagnosis L. was the family breadwinner, but due to treatments, she can no longer work. Now the small family is living solely on her husband’s disability, and National Health Insurance benefits for her and her grandson, and they are in financial distress. The Lemonade Fund awarded them a grant to help them through this difficult time.
M., a 30 year old young mother from a remote town in the south, was diagnosed with breast cancer in her second trimester of pregnancy. She and her husband had a successful salon before her diagnosis but M. hasn’t been able to work during treatment and her husband has had to reduce his hours in order to help M., as well as to care for their 4 other young children. Disability hasn’t yet come through and they have fallen into debt. They’ve had to leave their home and move in with M.’s parents. Their application to the Lemonade fund was granted and it will help them pay for childcare, daily living expenses and transportation to the hospital.
This month’s Lemonade Fund Profiles is dedicated to Etana Gordon Friedman, z’l, who passed away this month, after a long battle with breast cancer. Etana was a good friend of the Lemonade Fund, an inspiration. We are fortunate to have known her.