December 2013 – Profiles in Courage

Y., is a married, 39-year-old mother of four from the center of the country. She was just diagnosed with recurrent breast cancer, this time in the form of metastases to her lungs. To make her story that much more difficult, her oldest son was just diagnosed with leukemia. Her husband, who works in a correctional institution, has exceeded his paid family leave benefits and is now on leave without pay in order to care for his wife, his son and his younger children. Though formerly solvent, this family has been pushed into financial crisis due to the impact of serious illness. The Lemonade Fund, aka, the Israel Breast Cancer Emergency Relief Fund, was created in order to help women like Y., and their families, and we awarded them a Lemonade Fund grant to tide them over during this difficult time.
The Lemonade Fund is a grass-roots organization with virtually no overhead.  More than 90% of the money donated to the Lemonade Fund goes directly to grants. We are able to do because of a conscious decision to keep things this way. Though we are an official, registered Israeli charity, we have no fancy offices, brochures, etc.,  – just direct  requests for your help. Please consider donating to the Lemonade Fund so we can continue this important work. (Donations will receive tax deductible receipts.)  Thank you.