T. is a 38 year old widow with 5 children (ages 3-13,) from a town in the Jezreel Valley. In May she discovered a lump in her breast which turned out to be malignant. T. doesn’t live near family, but until now she has been able to manage financially on her widow’s pension. With a diagnosis of breast cancer, and a year of treatment ahead of her; chemo, surgery, radiation then reconstruction, T. will need extra childcare and household help in order to manage. The Israel Lemonade Fund awarded T. a generous grant to help her pay for help so that she can focus on her recovery.
A., a 39 year old divorced mother of 3 children from Haifa was diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer recently. Two of her children, 13 and 7, are autistic and need special help. She receives no alimony and can no longer work. She is is in financial crisis and is frantic. Her social worker applied to the Israel Lemonade Fund for an emergency grant to tide her over until more social service help becomes available. Grant awarded.
With special thanks to the Inbar and Marius Nacht Foundation for their support of the Lemonade Fund TAXI PROGRAM FOR CANCER PATIENTS DURING CORONA, providing free taxi rides to treatment for cancer patients during Corona. (To apply for a taxi ride, see TAXI link: www.lemonadefund.org)