Profiles – June 2015

L., 26,  was pregnant with her first child when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She began intensive chemotherapy treatments soon after giving birth in the 38th week of pregnancy. L. and her husband, an employee of a utility company, are facing many extra illness-related expenses. L. cannot care for her child due to side effects of chemotherapy so the young couple had to hire help to care for their newborn, and formula for the baby is expensive (L. can’t breastfeed.) In addition, L.’s husband accompanies his wife to her treatments and doctor appointments. Though his employer has been tolerant of the absences, L.’s husband’s paid sick leave days are running out. This young couple is enormously stressed about money and according to their social worker, a Lemonade Fund grant could be what it takes to help them over this hump. A grant was awarded to L. and we hope that she can now relax and focus on the important work of getting well.
M. is a 44-year-old single mother of 4 children, from Azerbaijan. The children range in age from 22-9. Though she was a professional before making aliya, M. has worked as an office cleaner since arriving in Israel, and the job offers no benefits or sick leave. When M. was diagnosed with breast cancer in January, she had to stop working and the small family lost their main source of income. In addition, M. had complications from surgery that caused her to have a lengthy hospital stay. During this time, the family slid into debt. Fortunately, M. is doing better and hopes to go back to work so that she can pay off the debt and once again support her family. In the meantime though, she and her social worker submitted an application to the Lemonade Fund, asking for assistance with living expenses to tide them over this difficult period. The Lemonade Fund was glad to help M. and we wish her a speedy recovery.
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