D. has a noble story. She is 51 and she lives in a central town with her elderly mother and her college-aged daughter. As a single mother, she supported her mother and daughter working as a home health aide. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2013 which unfortunately has now metastasized extensively, and D. can no longer work. D.’s daughter, a law student, tries to help with her mother and grandmother in the evenings, after school. The family is obviously struggling financially with basic needs, but D.’s strongest wish is to see her daughter through law school. D. needs help in the house but doesn’t want her daughter to have to stop studying to care for her. A grant from the Lemonade Fund will supply some much needed financial support during this difficult time, so that D. can hire some assistance in the house for herself and her mother. And she can enjoy seeing her daughter continue her studies.
To donate to the Lemonade Fund:
Thank you for helping us help needy Israeli breast cancer patients who find themselves in financial crisis.