Ensuring Uninterrupted Access to Oncology Treatments
Soon after the war began on October 7, 2023, the Lemonade Fund immediately launched an emergency fund for wartime grants (NIS 1800 each) to ensure support for uninterrupted oncology care and to fill the gap until government agencies are operating fully.
This emergency fund, with an expedited application process, supported cancer patients who suddenly found themselves in acute economic hardship
133 Wartime Emergency Grants were sent from October 18-November 9
NIS 1800 ($465) x 133 grants = NIS 239,400 ($61,845)
How We Helped
- Funds for transporting patients who were evacuated from their homes, who were now far from treatment centers
- Childcare for those whose family members were drafted
- Income supplementation for lost income due to war
- Other emergency assistance as outlined by social workers
We thank you for donating to aid the most urgent cases of acute economic distress following the terrible attack on Israel on October 7th.
Who we helped
These are just two examples of the 150+ applications from social workers we processed:
E., a 43-year old divorced ovarian cancer patient in active treatment, was left alone at home on the northern border when her two children, who used to accompany her to treatments, were drafted . With no way to get to her treatments, an Israel Lemonade Fund emergency war grant helps pay for taxi rides to the hospital.
R. is a 75-year old widow from Sderot being treated for endometrial cancer. She was evacuated with only the clothes on her back. She is traumatized by the rockets and afraid of what lies ahead, when, and if, she can return home. A Lemonade Fund emergency war grant is helping her purchase basic items, and pay for transportation to the hospital for treatment since she has been evacuated to a safer location.
Knowing that the war is far from over, we will now shift to assisting the war effort by allocating additional funding to Lemonade Fund applicants who have suffered financial impact caused by war.
Please partner with us to keep oncological care uninterrupted during this challenging time. Thank you.
Please stand with us to come to their aid.
A donor has generously offered to cover the costs of running this program – 100% of your donation will go directly to fund grants.