E. is a middle-aged divorcee with two adult children; a son who is schizophrenic and daughter who works full-time and has young children. Over the years E. supported herself and her children with no help from her ex-husband or family, by working as a scientist. She was recently diagnosed with breast cancer (and spinal problems,) and she has had to miss work due to the side effects of chemotherapy and pain. She has used up all of her sick leave and savings and she is very anxious about her financial situation. E. applied to the Lemonade Fund because she desperately needs extra help to get through this difficult time. This is exactly what we are here for…
The Lemonade Fund is Israel’s only Breast Cancer Emergency Relief Fund. We give one-time grants to indigent Israeli breast cancer patients to ease their financial stress while they are in treatment. So they can focus on themselves, not their money worries.
We wish E. and all of our 2019 Lemonade Fund grant recipients, good health, recovery and peace.
We wish all of our Lemonade Fund supporters, happy holidays and good wishes going into 2020. We owe you a huge THANK YOU for helping us make 2019 a year of growth and expansion into more Israeli breast centers. We helped a record number of patients this past year, thanks to you. There is so much more to do…here’s to accomplishing even more in 2020!
TO DONATE: https://lemonadefund.org/to-donate/