Ensuring Uninterrupted Access to Oncology Treatments Soon after the war began on October 7, 2023, the Lemonade Fund immediately launched an emergency fund for wartime grants (NIS 1800 each) to ensure support for uninterrupted oncology care and to fill the gap...
breast cancer emergency financial relief
Empowering the Periphery
The Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) Empowering the Periphery The Lemonade Fund Empowering the Periphery program provides additional funds to recipients of emergency financial relief grants for Israeli citizens with breast and other cancers who live in Israel’s...
Seasonal E-Greeting Cards
Twice a year, the Lemonade Fund invites supporters to send meaningful e-cards in honor of the Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashana) and in lieu of Mishloach Manot for Purim. The proceeds of the e-cards go directly to support emergency financial aid for Israeli breast...
לימונדה ישראל
Profiles in Courage – July 2018
When both spouses have cancer... Y., a 50 year old secretary from Haifa, is married with two adult children. Her husband, a machine operator, is currently being treated for lymphoma. In the midst of taking care of him, Y. was diagnosed with breast cancer and now, she,...
Profiles in Courage – June 2016
We at the Lemonade Fund often see how cancer can devastate a family financially in no time. E., a 73 year old Russian immigrant, lives with her unmarried daughter in a small apartment in a development town in the south. Until E. was diagnosed with Stage 4 breast...
Profiles in Courage – May 2016
M. and her husband, a gentle couple in their mid-sixties, recently made aliyah from South America. Despite their limited Hebrew, they found jobs and were doing well. Within the last year, M.'s husband was laid off from his job and M. discovered a lump and was...
Profiles in Courage, May 2014
B., 53, from Sderot, is very ill. She has breast cancer that has metastasized throughout her body, and she will probably stop all treatment soon and enter hospice. Her only income comes from Bituach Leumi (National Insurance) and amounts to NIS 4300/month. The family...
January 2014 – Profiles in Courage
C., 45, is a single woman from a small town in the Negev with a history of schizophrenia and heart disease. She moved to Israel from the former Soviet Union in the early 1990's and has been living in subsidized housing on disability assistance. A recent diagnosis of...
Five years post diagnosis… what's been learned
http://www.cfah.org/blog/2013/five-years-later-zigzagging-toward-acceptance#.UlbyilCvD2FFive years post diagnosis... what's been learned