
THIS LIFE MATTERS – Lemonade Fund June 2020

M. was smuggled to Israel from Sudan in 2011. He had become an activist against the Sudanese government (after witnessing the murder of his parents, siblings and oldest child,) and it was dangerous for him to stay. The resistance helped M. reach Israel, and once here...

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Making Lemonade with Honey

We've been busy this past year, making Lemonade out of Lemons... K, a divorced mother of 3 children, ages 6, 13 and 21, from the south, was diagnosed with breast cancer a second time. A Special Ed teacher, K. has used up her sick pay, and has gone into debt. Her...

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Profiles in Courage – August 2019

K, a divorced mother of 3 children, ages 6, 13 and 21, from the south, was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2012 and it came back this past year. She has a long road ahead of her, first chemo, then surgery, then radiation. She is a Special Ed teacher who has used up...

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Profiles in Courage – July 2019

I., a 46 yo mother of 4 and C., a 41 yo mom of 1, both breast cancer patients in financial crisis, have just received Lemonade Fund grants thanks to the work of one very special woman, Yael Friedbauer. Yael, a breast cancer patient herself, is currently in treatment...

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