Ensuring Uninterrupted Access to Oncology Treatments Soon after the war began on October 7, 2023, the Lemonade Fund immediately launched an emergency fund for wartime grants (NIS 1800 each) to ensure support for uninterrupted oncology care and to fill the gap...
breast cancer arab jewish israel financial relief lemonade fund stage 4
Empowering the Periphery
The Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) Empowering the Periphery The Lemonade Fund Empowering the Periphery program provides additional funds to recipients of emergency financial relief grants for Israeli citizens with breast and other cancers who live in Israel’s...
Seasonal E-Greeting Cards
Twice a year, the Lemonade Fund invites supporters to send meaningful e-cards in honor of the Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashana) and in lieu of Mishloach Manot for Purim. The proceeds of the e-cards go directly to support emergency financial aid for Israeli breast...
Profiles in Courage – February 2020 – A Hard But Good Day at the Lemonade Fund
A good day at the Lemonade Fund is when you read the worst stories...so sad they make you weep...and then you jump in and help. What's better than that? R., is a 45 year old divorced mother of 3 children, ages 23, 13 and 10, diagnosed recently with Stage 4 breast...
September – A Simple Formula
No one should have to be very ill and very poor at the same time. If you're sick, you shouldn't be worrying about how you can't afford to put food on the table or pay your electric bill. The ESRA Lemonade Fund gives one-time emergency financial grants to the neediest...
Lemonade Fund Requesting Emergency Aid for the New Year
N., 34 years old, diagnosed with advanced breast cancer while pregnant with her third child. N. gave birth, but has been and will be hospitalized for while. Husband needs to hire a mitapelet (babysitter) to help him care for the infant and other two children so that...